...DOG! Unbelievable. I can say, "Da Da, Ma Ma, Woof, All Done," and now "DOG!" You might notice that 2 of the 1st 6 words I have ever said in my entire life have to do with dogs. This really is a gene passed down to me from my dad...it has to be. I've said it before, but it is so true, my dad LOVES dogs. In fact, when he first told my mom he wanted to date her, he said there was one thing holding him back...the fact that she didn't like dogs. It wasn't so much that she didn't like dogs, she is just horribly terrified of them. So God, with his sense of humor has given her a husband AND son that love dogs. Last night, I was merely minding my own business, playing with my toys...when I heard them...every single dog within a one mile radius of my house was barking. So, what did I do? Well, I crawled with lightning speed over to the open window and stood on my tip-toes trying desperately to get a glimpse of just one dog. After I had spent about 20 minutes dog gazing and barking back at them, I turned to my parents, lifted my hand, and said, "DOG!" If I recall correctly, at that moment, my dad jumped up and shouted, and my mom sat down and cried. I think she's bending a little. After 7 years, she hasn't given into my dad's desire for a dog, but I think she might just give in to mine!