Friday, January 31, 2025

8 years ago today was undoubtedly the scariest day of our lives. By the grace of God, Atticus survived and is thriving. He didn't want a celebration today-celebrating another year of working hard and staying on top of his diabetes. He doesn't like to talk about it or bring any attention to it. I don't blame him. It is an exhausting, difficult and endless disease. We love him so much and wish we could take this away from him. I get teary thinking about that day -and everyday since -wishing it was me instead of him. Every minute of every day, diabetes is always there-waking him up at night for juice, waking him up at night for more insulin, pumps leaking, pumps failing, monitors getting torn off his body while wrestling, he's too high, he's too low, he needs more insulin, too much insulin, he needs to eat, he needs to drop weight for wrestling. It's a non-stop battle and I hate it for him
But he never complains. Not once. I know it's hard and I know his life would be so much easier without it. I don't know why this was God's plan, but it is all for His glory and Atticus will be healed in heaven ❤️