Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Coffee House Poetry!

Another Coffee House Poetry!  Emmett did great! He wrote some awesome poems, and Dad did too:)

At my own pace
I will look from left to right
Fill my soul with dynamite
See everything in black and white
Live the longest in Fortnight

At my own pace
I will fight ninjas in the crowd
My imagination is my shroud
My anxiety will scream out loud
Sometimes I am lost in the clouds

At my own pace
I will breath deep and let out peace
Count until my anger is released
Be strong as the fiercest best
Silly until I finally sleep

At my own pace
I will dance in hall
Let Oreo pen me to the wall
Chase Jerry in his ball
Laugh so hard I have to crawl

At my own pace
I will make sure you laugh with me
Be the best friend I can be
Someday everyone will see
That you have to keep up with me.