Well it seems like it was time to cash in on a promise I made that I never thought I'd actually have to keep. A dog. I've made many promises over the years that sounded like this, "Oh I promise we will NEVER have a dog!" But then I made a different promise, "Atticus, if you do allergy shots, we will get a dog-well, as soon as the doctor says you are no longer allergic to them." And now the time has come. Atticus has been getting his shots for 18 months -12 of which have been maintenance only shots. So we all went to the shelter to look for a dog. At first we really wanted Sheena. She looked crazy enough to try to run away immediately so I was all for her! But she did not like us😞. She stayed in the corner the entire time we were with her in the visitation room. The wonderful guy at the shelter finally told us that Sheena was not the dog for us. He said we need a dog full of energy that will love the kids and enhance our family. He said he wanted to bring a dog in-not for us to adopt-but for us to see the type of dog that would be right for us. So he brought in OREO! Oreo ran over to Emmett and jumped on him and licked his face until Emmett couldn't breathe from laughing so hard. That was it. We knew OREO would be going home with us. The kids just love him! He is 3 years old and so well behaved-even house trained already. I guess our family is now complete😊