Ohhhh 2012. That was a year. Here are a few highlights:
January- Emmett continues with his side to side head movement, so his pediatrician mentions mild Cerebral Palsy and we all freak out. Atticus vomits and has diarrhea for weeks on end until he ends up in the ER. After lots of labs, an x-ray, a CAT scan and Brain MRI, it appears to be a glucose issue.
February-We finally make it to the right doctor for Atticus who determines he has Ketotic Hypoglycemia. We check his blood sugar and urine for a month (lots of crying EVERY time) He should outgrow this at 7 when his liver catches up to his size-or something like that. In the meantime, we give him a late night snack and he is good. Overnight sleep study at the hospital (NOT FUN) for Emmett. Results are normal. Bi-weekly therapy visits for Emmett.
March-Brain MRI for Emmett shows no Cerebral Palsy, but does show his sinuses being full and overflowing-which is why he has had stuff coming out of his right eye since he was born.
April-Sinus surgery for Emmett. It was a rough surgery but the pathology showed strepoccaucus pneumonia, so we did the right thing. Emmett sleeps through the night for the first time in years. He actually stops moving his head, and his fear of heights lessens. The poor guy was probably dizzy his whole life of 3 years. Emmett starts preschool. So now our school times are as follows: 8:15 Emmett starts, 8:35 Max starts, 11:00 Emmett is done, 11:40Max is done, 12:15 Atticus starts & 3:00 Atticus is done...that is way too many trips back and forth.
May-Max graduates from Kindergarten and Greer starts potty training.
June-ooh lets tear down a couple of walls and make a mud room...that should be quick and easy!
July-Let's tear down some more walls! We'll get rid of the hall bookshelves and open the walls up into the kitchen with some extra lighting. Again...quick and easy, right? And in between, baseball, baseball and more baseball. Oh, and a vacation in Breckenridge.
August-Let's re-do the counter in the kids bathroom. How about a crazy school schedule: Take Emmett and 8:15, then Max & Atticus at 8:35. Pick up Emmett at 11, then Atticus at 11:40, then Max at 3:30. A quick 2-day trip to Mississippi to watch Papa get inducted into Belhaven's Hall of Fame. Then, we find a fixer-upper in bankruptcy to buy. Which means-we have to sell our house immediately.
September- Get to painting and cleaning, cause this house is going on the market. Now to showings, keeping the house clean and finding places to go with 4 kids at the last minute. Thank goodness, we went under contract on day 2!!! Waiting and waiting for weeks to see if the attorney on the case is going to sign the contract for us to buy the house.
October-Emmett gets pneumonia. We close on our old house and while at closing, the attorney signs the paperwork for the new house and we can close that day too!
November-Pack up the house and move ourselves 1.5 miles away. Move-in day, there is a paper on the door that says the back fence is getting replaced and we have 72 hours to get rid of all the overgrown trees and bushes that are along the back fence. (And there's a ton!) Mississippi for Thanksgiving.
December - Mice, snow duty, and repairing this run down house.
This was a very very difficult year for us. Exhausting. But, God was faithful as He always is. He gave us our daily bread...one day at a time.