I knew this would happen one day...Max found all his Christmas presents in my closest. He came running up to me yelling for me to come see all the new cars. As I followed him to my room, I realized what he had found. I explained to him that these were for Christmas and we couldn't open them until Christmas comes. I told him that Christmas was coming soon. So, he ran over to the window and said he was "looking for Christmas". Hilarious! I guess I should have been a little more careful with my wording. He looks for Christmas all the time because he knows Christmas is coming soon. He has now even shortened it to Chris. The other day he told me that Chris wasn't here yet because he was at work. Then, Chris got an "owie" and that was why he wasn't here yet. Then the UPS guy rang the doorbell and Max ran to it yelling that Chris was here. Poor guy. We pray for all the new toys in the closet every night, and often go and check on them because they are crying.