This is the Posse. From left to right, Buzz, Woody, Pilot, Tyrone, & Pablo. These people go EVERYWHERE with Max. In this picture, he has them watching Dad mow the grass. I can't remember if I've posted about the Posse before, but the story continues.
The Posse has grown in number from its original size (as seen in the top picture). It now overflows out of the yellow box. It has the originals plus cars, balls, and most importantly...letters and numbers! Don't worry, if one of the 106 letters happens to fall out, Max will let you know! Now the box-instead of just the Posse-goes EVERYWHERE. There are usually toys falling out of it because it is so full, but the box goes to bed with Max, downstairs with Max, to the basement with Max and even out to the sandbox. Never ever try to sneak a few toys out of the box to make it lighter for you to carry from floor to floor (of course, he's not going to carry it)...the kid will know!