...Max sucking his thumb. I've been meaning to blog about this story, but I forgot until I read a friend's blog about weaning her kids from the pacifier. In April, we went on one of our favorite family outings to Home Depot. While in the store, a piece of wood fell on Max's thumb and cut it-a little. So, while everyone watched as he screamed VERY loud, a kind employee brought him a band-aid. That night, he was having a hard time going to sleep, so I tried to take the band-aid off so he could suck his thumb, but he wouldn't let me. After a week, you can imagine how nasty the band-aid had become, so we gave him no choice. The band-aid had to be removed. He never looked back. I guess it does take 7 days to break a habit. He hasn't sucked his thumb since. That was just too easy! I had already been worrying about when and how to begin breaking this habit, and I never imagined he would do it on his own. What will I do when the other kids are not quite as easy?!