We went to the park today since it was 60 degrees outside. Yay! Poor Max...he was going down this slide that was pretty steep and tall. He could only manage to go down it head first with me catching him at the bottom. Well, he went down one time when I wasn't looking and he just ate it! He stood up screaming with dirt and bark all over his face, in his mouth, and up his nose. That is why his nose is bleeding in this picture. When we got home, he wanted a drink. Being a good mom and all, we ran out of milk this morning. So, the only other thing I could give him was orange juice. Incidentally, I've never given it to him before b/c we never seem to have any in the house. So, I told him he could have orange juice, and he replied with, "No, I want purple juice." Poor guy doesn't even get it. I gave it to him and he told me it was actually lemonade. Not the greatest story-but it made me laugh.