Atticus with Grandaddy.

We tried numerous times to get a good picture of the cousins together. Each photo session usually ended up with lots of pictures of only Atticus looking at the camera.

Max and Atticus with the Grans.

"Did I bring Pablo? Are you kidding me! Of course, he's right behind me."

Another photo session. Phil is to the left handing out candy...which is all Max IV seems to care about. Max III is laying on the ground (in case Atticus falls forward)...which is all Pierson and Atticus seem to care about.

Old School "Toy Story" on the Play Station was a big hit for Max and Pierson.

Here, Max is distracting Pierson so he can...

take the vacuum cleaner attachment from him.

Max and Atticus with Papa and JuJu.

We had a great time!