First of all, let me start off by saying this is supposed to be a "block" cake. Feel free to withhold any comments you might want to leave regarding the cake. My mom already said Martha would not be proud. Anyway...so, here I am looking at my cake...perhaps you can already see the apprehension on my face.

I'm looking a LITTLE more sure of myself...now that the scary candle is gone.

Now, I'm even feeling so brave that I have actually touched the cake, but that bravery doesn't last long...

Nope. Now I'm upset about all this green and white stuff on my fingers.

But that's
ok because I'm going to touch it again.

Now I'm really upset because this green and white stuff is all over my whole hand!

So, at this point, I figured what is a better way to get something off my hand than to eat it.

Not so bad! I think I'll actually eat this cake I was afraid of just a few pictures ago.

Oh yes! I'm loving some cake! I think the best way to eat as much as I can, as fast as I can, is to put my whole hand in my mouth.

I LOVED this cake after a few scary moments. I can't wait 'til next year!