Thursday, March 25, 2021

All done! 2 hernias repaired, the fat cut off, and she's all stitched up.

Here's our "before" picture😊. She's ready!

Heading into Children's Hospital for an epigastric hernia surgery. 👍

Monday, March 22, 2021

Finally!! Max and Atticus have been going to school two days a week-Tuesdays & Thursdays-all school year until today! All of the students in their schools get to go back 100% in person learning. Atticus said it's their first Monday in the school building all year. 😊

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Not what I want to see. Poor guy! It's hard for a mom to see this and not be there to help him. Ugh! The good news is that I just found out yesterday that his nurse from elementary school is moving to his middle school! Yay!! She knows him well. Thank you, Lord!

Tuesday, March 09, 2021

Fwd: Fastpass - Emmett

Subject: Fastpass - Emmett

Hello Jeannie and Max,

Great news....Emmett was sent to my office for a positive principal referral by Mrs. Nancy. This is part of our Energy Bus Program at BCE and he earned what we call a "Fastpass".  This is a special privilege for students who are going above and beyond to show that they are leaders and are "Being the Driver" of their own bus.  We are so proud of him!

I've attached our photo from this morning. He signed our award poster, received a certificate, and got to choose a prize.  Jeannie has given up permission to post a picture of him on the BCE Facebook page, Mama Bear and Papa Bear Facebook page and add it to Thursday's Tidbits.  We try to make it a big deal. We hope he feels good about his achievement!

Emmett is always respectful, helpful, responsible and resilient. He is a great listener and always a pleasure to have in the Library!! I am proud to include him on my bus! ~ Mrs. Nancy  

Way to go, Emmett!!

Mrs. Ursetta

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Best haircut I've given in a long time. Loving his new curls!

Monday, March 08, 2021

Watching the of our favorite pastimes;)

Saturday, March 06, 2021

Greer scored her team's first goal of the season!

Thursday, March 04, 2021

Greer-I mean Gary participated in crazy hair day with a crazy hat.

Emmett has no fear for spirit days at school. Red, white & blue day and Wacky Wednesday. 🤣🤣

Emmett with his principal. It was crazy hair day at school and I even got in on the action🤣

Emmett!!! Such a well-deserved award! We are so so proud of him!❤️❤️