Friday, June 30, 2017

Atticus is 17 days into his pump. It's been great and life-changing. We all wore a pump for 3 days to show our support for Atticus. We are loving pump life now!

He made it! A week at camp is over!! We were so happy to see Max! We missed him so much! He said he had a great week, but he's not sure he wants to do it again. We are so proud of him! We were 4th in line this morning behind the gate at 7:55am-ready to get Max at 8:30. The counselors announced the 10 nicest campers, and Max got 3rd. Yay! He also said his sister cabin voted him their favorite out of his cabin. We are so glad he is home. Tears of joy were shed by all😂. And we go right back on Sunday for Atticus's turn. Praying he has a great week!

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Sending Max off to camp. 5 nights! 😳. Praying he has a great time!

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Max is so excited about camp! It's his first time to do this and I hope he loves it! A Navigator's camp-Eagle Lake

Friday, June 23, 2017

Thursday, June 22, 2017

These kids were so brave today! Emmett got 3 teeth pulled! Atticus got 2 teeth pulled. Max got one tooth pulled and 2 cavities filled and Greer had her first cavity filled. It was tough, but they made it! Then we got ice cream for lunch and met some friends at the pool.

Look who passed her swim test!