The boys got "golf clubs" and golf balls. Atticus needed to wear a bandaid on his nose for no apparent reason.

Christmas Eve. Wrestling on the bed.

Christmas Eve story.

Although we've told Max repeatedly that Santa is just fun-not a real person-he INSISTS that Santa is real and we are wrong and Santa will come every Christmas. So, he heard about putting out milk and cookies....yes, he put the gallon of milk on the table for Santa. I try to tell him that WE buy his Christmas gifts (give us a little credit, you know) but he tells me, that Santa buys them, not us. The conversation goes like this: Max: I can't wait for Santa to come. Mom: Well, you know Santa is a lot of fun, but he's just pretend. Max: Oh no no no, mom. Santa is real. He comes at Christmas.
I give up.

Cousins in their Christmas pj's. Their names are on the back of the pj's...too cute.

Christmas Day.