"I'm Max Taylor"... a common phrase Max likes to tell people these days.

He was WAY excited about kinder football. It was for ages 3-5, so as you can tell, he was obviously the smallest.

It took him a little while to catch on. In all his excitement, he kept running across the gym...at the wrong time!

The coach kept trying to stop him because all the other kids had to wait on Max to run all the way to the end of the gym and back.

Here, he convinced another kid to run across to the other side BEFORE the coach said, "Go."

The drill was to run AFTER the coach said, "Ready, Set, Go."

Dad is trying to explain the situation to Max.

Playing a little football with Dad.

Max is now getting tired and ready to go home.

Max is now laying on the ground to show how much he is ready to go home.

He found some more strength for a little flag football at the end.

Max's strut after his huge "I can play football" ego boost.

Atticus, Emmett, and Mom hung out on the sidelines.