Around mid-August, we moved the toddler bed into Atticus' room. He was pretty excited about it; although, initially it was really just a trampoline for Max to bounce Atticus off of.

After about a week of letting Atticus choose if he wanted to sleep in the crib or the toddler bed, he finally pointed to the toddler bed. He did great! Unlike Max, he doesn't want to play at ALL. He goes right to sleep. Max still likes to play for a while in his room before he goes to sleep, but Atticus is out in a matter of minutes.

Three weeks later, we officially moved Atticus into Max's old room.

He was pumped! He LOVES his new room and has already transitioned to the bottom bunk.

The toddler bed is gone, and Atticus still goes right to sleep. However, I did see him get out of bed last night and head over to the basketball goal. He literally shot some hoops for a little while, then got back into his bed and went to sleep.