Atticus' hair is really coming in.

Max is finally getting a mouthful of teeth. Four are coming in now! Well, I guess he's only 2, so we haven't been waiting that long. I had big plans back in January to post all about our potty training, but obviously I didn't. Our first week was spent living in the family room next to the little portable potty, so I just didn't make it upstairs to the computer. But, all that is to say that Max has done great! After 2 days of nakedness, then 2 days of undies only, then 2 days of undies and a shirt, we finally made it to full dress. We did live on the potty in front of the t.v. for a week, but the end result was a potty trained little boy. I was so glad. I think he was just ready, and he's always been one to go right on into the next phase of his life without looking back. Two weeks later, he didn't even want diapers at night. He really has done remarkable, and I can only dream that every kid of mine will be that easy. He's had a few accidents, but the last one was in February, so I think I can officially say we are there. The only downer is that he still can't pull his pants down by himself. So, I do join him for each and every bathroom trip.